Hitting Rock Bottom - The start of my spiritual journey

Hitting Rock Bottom - The start of my spiritual journey

Show notes

Happy Wednesday my creative friends!! Yesterday was my 24th birthday, so to celebrate I decided to tell you all one of my favorite stories--where my manifesting/spiritual journey really began. Or, at least my knowledge of it began. ;)

It's back when i was 19 and hit "rock bottom", and was forced to finally figure out the person I wanted to be. I hope you enjoy this more vulnerable episode. I'm sure many of you can relate on some level, too. :)

Thank you for listening. I appreciate you!

Let's be friends!



Into the Magic Shop - James R. Doty https://www.amazon.com/Into-Magic-Shop-Neurosurgeons-Mysteries/dp/0399183647/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2SO8DLPJ2ULNL&dchild=1&keywords=into+the+magic+shop+by+james+doty&qid=1600865934&sprefix=into+the+magic%2Caps%2C231&sr=8-1



Anastasia Klimovitz

Anastasia Klimovitz

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